Query data from Sanity using GraphQL

Gatsby , GraphQL , Sanity
Updated: Feb 17, 2022

I’m making 2 assumptions here, the first is that you have a Sanity project set up, you’ve added at least one content type and you’ve entered some content before deploying a GraphQL API. The second is that you’ve configured a Gatbsy project to work with Sanity, by installing the gatsby-source-sanity plugin.

With those steps complete we can now run our site in development mode using gatsby develop, then head to http://localhost:8000/___graphql to launch GraphiQL and explore our schema.

Writing your first Sanity query in GraphiQL #

Type allSanity to launch the options and explore the available document schemas in your API.

One of the available options in my API is allSanityEvent which contains all the data associated with a document type I have created called ‘Event’.


We can make a basic query for an event title like this:

	allSanityEvent {
		edges {
			node {

Tip: Hit alt + space to see the available options at each level of your query

In the particular project I’m working on right now my full query grabs the title, excerpt, slug and image from all events. It looks like this:

	allSanityEvent {
		edges {
			node {
				slug {
				image {
					asset {
						fluid {

And returns the following JSON object:

  "data": {
    "allSanityEvent": {
      "edges": [
          "node": {
            "title": "My second event",
            "excerpt": "This is the excerpt for the second event",
            "slug": {
              "current": "my-second-event"
            "image": {
              "asset": {
                "fluid": {
                  "src": "https://cdn.sanity.io/images/k5nyspnm/production/20ef5df9ed8dac42c2ec50b474a46726143ceb4f-2250x1500.png?w=800&h=533&fit=crop"
          "node": {
            "title": "My first event",
            "excerpt": "This is the excerpt for the first event",
            "slug": {
              "current": "my-first-event"
            "image": {
              "asset": {
                "fluid": {
                  "src": "https://cdn.sanity.io/images/k5nyspnm/production/1c6f3cee364b6cf5bfcad46539b0a9cf82ace1c5-800x400.png?w=800&h=400&fit=crop"

Query your schema in Gatsby #

Now we have our query we want to show the content in our Gatsby site.

In index.js first we need to import graphql.

import { Link, graphql } from 'gatsby'

Next we can write our query and export it as a variable. Make sure you switch out the image src for the image fragment reference.

export const queryEvent = graphql`
	allSanityEvent {
		edges {
			node {
				slug {
				image {
					asset {
						fluid {

Now we can grab the data in our layout.

const IndexPage = ({ data }) => (
		{data.allSanityEvent.edges.map(({ node: event }) => (
			<li key={event.slug.current}>
				<Image fluid={event.image.asset.fluid} alt={event.title} />

We now have a list of events on our page, including the event title, image and excerpt.

The next step will be to generate the single pages for each event.

Further resources #

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