Doing the work

Daily , Hugo course
Updated: Jan 25, 2024

In my last update I wrote about my intentions to write a course on building websites with Hugo, and explained why I’m documenting the process in public. I wrote about how I needed a better plan of action and some way of staying accountable – so I actually turn up and make progress each day.

I’ve been doing the work and things are starting to take shape. Here’s where I’m at.

Course material will live at At the time of writing the page exists but there’s not much on it. It will come together as I develop the course.

I also added a banner to the top of the site 👆, so there’s no hiding. I’m 100% doing this.

I plan to post each chapter of the course as and when I write it. Each chapter will also go out to an email list and via RSS. I think that makes sense? So you can subscribe by email or subscribe by RSS, depending on what service you prefer.

As mentioned yesterday, I’m documenting my progress via updates like this one. You can find updates at To stay accountable, I’m aiming to write updates daily (first thing in the morning) or every few days, depending on my work commitments and how successful the project goes. I expect these will be short posts like this (ideally no more than 500 words). I might end up syndicating them from my website to Twitter, using Zapier or IFTTT, but right now I’m undecided. I’ll sit on it for now. I may well use these updates to share other things in future, but I expect they’ll stay course related for now.

I’ve given myself a course launch date of Spring 2022. That gives me 3-6 months to get this done. Feels long enough to do the work around other commitments, but short enough to maintain focus and keep this thing from going stale.

My next move is to start thinking about the course structure. What do we all expect from a course on Hugo? What can I offer you that others haven’t? I’ll start with a rough outline, try and map out the fundamentals and build it out from there. At this point all I’m looking for is a general sense of direction.

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