One task

Daily , Hugo course
Updated: Jan 25, 2024

Gave myself one ”side project” task today – finished writing building static output with the hugo command lesson.

Been struggling to find any kind of flow lately, but this morning I found some and got the task done. Maybe there’s something in this one task a day thing.

Anyway, I now have a complete rough draft of every lesson in module 1. Pretty cool.

Slow progress, but good progress. I’m starting to see it now.

Also managed to make a couple of quick design improvements to that changelog page I mentioned yesterday. Added badges, used some Grid. Little bits, probably not that important, but it all adds up.

Things are picking up after the holidays, so spent the rest of the day on “work projects”.

All in all, not a bad day. Now I need one more task for tomorrow.

I still need to get a curriculum together for the site. Maybe that’s it.

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