Growing up

Updated: Jan 25, 2024

I haven’t written in a while. Last week I got Covid (again), so I’ve been taking it pretty easy.

I can never find the energy to write when I’m sick, let along think of anything good to say–I guess that’s normal. Before now I’d be stressing, but I’m trying to be less hard on myself. Where does stressing even get you, anyway?

A few weeks back I mentioned I was thinking about putting a few Hugo themes out there. Then, whilst sick-scrolling I stumbled upon Max’s brilliant Make Free Stuff. Everything he writes is so damn good… Anyway, it’s inspired me to actually get on and do it. Just for fun.

So I’ve been working on a super light micro site to host these things on. I designed it the way I designed sites growing up, before I got caught up in the whole web business thing. One font, one font size. Simple, functional and probably all it needs.

Maybe this is the start of something, but maybe not. Either way, you’ll be able to download these themes for free - no strings attached.

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