
Updated: Apr 6 2024

A growing collection of personal projects that I’m working on, including the themes and tools that I’ve built. You’ll also find projects from the past, which are either not maintained or that I’m no longer a part of.

Active projects #

Practical Hugo is a course on building leaner, faster, more resilient websites with Hugo. I plan to release the first season later this year.

Local London is a directory of independent, London based food & drink makers. I started the project with my friend Rozzy in response to the Covid-19 lockdown, to help support local makers. It’s now run by Rebekka.

Type Services is a type foundry I set up in 2017 which focuses on hand drawn fonts and imperfection in type design.

Dark Sky/Benyayer Collab. Since 2012 I’ve been collaborating with my good friend Matt Benyayer to create the artwork for his music.

Link styles like… A growing collection of interesting link styles, found around the web and recreated in Codepen.

Themes #

Mood is lightweight, JavaScript-free Hugo theme for moodboarding.

Tools #

cu.css is a lightweight CSS framework that will help you build websites fast, using CUBE CSS and Utopia fluid design.

instagram-hugo. A simple demo site showing how to create an Instagram feed on a Hugo website using Profile Page Images Loader by Joost van der Schee.

Design tokens and styleguides with Eleventy. A simple workflow showing you how to use Eleventy and NPM Scripts to take YAML design tokens and generate a styleguide and CSS Custom properties.

Past projects #

Remote Cards is a fun card generator tool for promoting live streaming events. I built this with my brother Ben during the first week of the Covid-19 lockdown.

In Detail. An engagememnt ring concierge service which started life as a jewellery blog. I co-founded the project back in 2011, with Jewellery consultant Beanie Major.

Monthly Newsletter

Once a month I curate a newletter for designers and developers interested in static sites, CSS and web performance. Check out past issues to get an idea.