February 2023

Hey everyone,

Towards the end of last year I spent time travelling and focusing on other things, so it‘s been a few months since I sent one of these.

Now I’m back to it, I thought I’d return to this newsletter by making a few changes – a new format and a slightly different schedule.

I hope this will encourage me to share more about what I’m up to and what I’m currently working on. I’ll continue to share posts from others in the section called “Elsewhere on the web”.

If this no longer appeals, then you’re welcome to unsubscribe, at any time.

✨ Highlights from last month #

🕸 Elsewhere on the web #

As I’ve been off for a while, this month I’m sharing a few links that caught my eye over November, December and January.

“As days turn to weeks and weeks to months and months to years, those tiny repeatable choices compound.”

Small Habits Make a Big Difference from Shane Parrish.

The IndieWeb for Everyone. Max Böck on lowering the barrier of decentralised social networks.

How to rebuild social media on top of RSS from Jacob O’Bryant.

A Guide To Keyboard Accessibility: HTML And CSS. Cristian Diaz covers a good set of practices and recommendations on how to use HTML and CSS to create a great experience for keyboard users.

Subscribe Wherever You Get Your Content from Jim Nielsen.

The evolution of scalable CSS. A deep dive into the problems with scaling CSS on large projects. Understand the evolution of CSS best practices.

Introducing Mona Sans and Hubot Sans. A look at how to use GitHub’s open source variable fonts in your projects.

Understanding Privacy: Protect Your Users, Protect Yourself. A new Smashing Magazine book by Heather Burns.

Optimizing The Image Element LCP. Eloïse Martin shares the best practices.

“Most of our users are on Desktop” from Andy Bell.

Aaron Swartz: Ten Years On. A fantastic tribute from Marc.

🗓 What I’m up to this month #

You can also check my now page to get the latest.

Thank you for reading #

Thanks for tuning in for another issue.

Please share this with a friend if you think they might enjoy it.

If this is your first time here you can subscribe via RSS or subscribe via email. It would be great to have you onboard.

Seeing you in the next one.


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Monthly Newsletter

Once a month I curate a newletter for designers and developers interested in static sites, CSS and web performance. Check out past issues to get an idea.
