#97 - Getting stuff out there

Hey everyone,

Here’s this weeks roundup of what’s new in design, code and typography.

Thought provoking #

“…publishing early is an exercise for my brain. It’s ignoring the feelings of self-doubt. It’s forcing myself to actively decide that something is good enough.” Max Böck in Good Enough.

Design and Code #

Making Tables Responsive With Minimal CSS from Bradley Taunt.

Rachel Andrew shares causes for concern about Grid, content-reordering and accessibility.

What if we got aspect-ratio sized images by doing almost nothing? Chris Coyier sheds some light on Jen Simmons clever idea to solve the image aspect-ratio problem.

From Zero to App. Flavio Copes shares his entire process of creating a diary app made with React, GraphQL and Apollo, from start to finish.

Typography #

Beautiful Web Type – a guide to the best freely available open-source typefaces.

Goliagolia is a font that looks like “a spaceship collided with a baroque cathedral.” One Designer’s Quest to Kern the Impossible from Madeleine Morley.

Find Fonts by Contrast, X-Height, Weight and more. Fontbase introduce SuperSearch.

Something to watch #

Firefox: Evolution of a Brand. Firefox has a new look to support their evolving product line.

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