#89 - Prototyping

Hi Folks,

Here’s this weeks hoard of interesting links from around the internet…

Thought provoking #

“What would happen if we stopped treating the Web like a blank canvas to paint on, and started treating it like a material to build with?” Matthais Ott in Saving your web workflows with prototyping.

A Designer’s Code of Ethics from Mike Monteiro.

An interview with Matej Latin on working to find the best mind-set for balancing simplicity and complexity.

Design and Code #

Paul Hanaoka on Design At Scale: One Year With Figma.

Designing Mindfulness. How to make technology which takes care of the people who use it.

CSS Subgrid News and demos from Rachel Andrew.

Typography #

Allowing a modern audience to see Helvetica for the first time. Charles Nix talks us through the newly released Helvetica Now.

Why the US Government Just Made Its Own Font from Mitch Bowman. Public Sans is a strong, neutral, principles-driven, open source typeface for text or display.

Something to watch #

Nerdwriter on How dark patterns trick you online.

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