#60 - Colour in CSS

Hi folks,

Here are a few things I thought were worth sharing this week.

Thought provoking #

Losing Earth: The Decade We Almost Stopped Climate Change by Nathaniel Rich.

Whilst scrolling through this thread on approaches to learning I found this beauty: On the Dangers of Potential Energy from Greg Olsen. In Greg’s words; “…if you’re focused on doing stuff 80% of the time, you’ve got it.”

Design and Code #

Sara Soueidan’s On Switching from HEX & RGB to HSL covers some of the benefits of working with HSL including easier color harmonies and theming.

Chris Coyier prototypes an awesome Sticky, Smooth, Active Nav, great for documentation sites, guides and the like.

UI Sources is a growing collection of real product insights from the best designed and top grossing apps.

Typography #

“Blending traditional nuances found in original grotesque wood type with the contemporary feel of International Typographic Style, PM Grotesk acts as a modest alternative to its 21st Century peers.” PM Grotesk by 12B.

Font in the wild: Tiempos Headline from Klim, seen here on Malven.

Perfecter: a Sketch plugin to help you improve your type with modular scales.

Here’s a PDF copy of Tim Brown’s Combining Typefaces.

Something to watch #

Aphex Twin - T69 Collapse will not disappoint.

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