#52 - Apple’s 1987 Identity Guidelines

Hi folks,

After a couple of weeks shooting pictures in NYC for In Detail, I’m now back at my desk with a few useful links from around the internet.

Notes on design #

Arun Venkatesan on Rediscovering Apple’s 1987 Identity Guidelines.

I enjoyed reading about How Frank Chimero designs a poster.

A well written User Experience Research Field Guide by Quintin Carlson.

Codepen Design Patterns is a super helpful compilation of familar front end design patterns.

Notes on typography #

8-Point Grid: Typography On The Web, the latest instalment in Elliot Dahl’s series on designing with the infamous 8pt Grid.

Take the 2018 Font Purchasing Habits Survey to share your font preferences and purchasing habits.

In his latest book Flexible Typesetting Tim Brown illuminates the complex, beautiful world of typesetting.

Oliver Schöndorfer on How to start with variable fonts on the web. Fantastic intro to this relatively new font technology

For your ears #

This week we lost American rapper, singer and songwriter Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy a.k.a XXXTentacion. He was 20 years old. Here is his break through album - 17.

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