#47 - Learning from shortcuts and smartcuts

Hi folks,

Here are a few things I thought were worth sharing this week.

## Shortcuts vs Smartcuts

What we can learn from Shortcuts, a short TED Talk by designer Tom Hulme, on how empathy and observation can help you build products people really want. Here are my notes from the talk if you’re short on time.

For a different take on shortcuts, try Smartcuts by Shane Snow a great book on how lateral thinking leads to innovation. I picked this one up a few years back, here are my notes.

Personal and business growth #

I enjoyed reading How Vince MingPu Shao transitioned from a graphic designer to front-end developer in 5 months. If you’re making the switch or keen to improve your dev skills there’s a ton of useful tips and resources in this one.

How Zapier helped GrowthLab increase revenue by $350,000 is well worth reading for tips on how automation tool Zapier can help you grow your business.

## Graphics and Type

Paul Rand updated the IBM Graphic Standards Manual numerous times over a 20 year period, according to Sacha Léopold and François Havegeer of Empire Editions. Rand clearly understand the importance of a living design system.

Kris Sowersby on Geograph, a contemporary, plain sans serif designed for National Geographic, comprising 24 styles for use across their broadcast, print and web channels

A short film by Albion #

Heading North is a short film from cycling brand Albion which tells the story of one man’s attempt to ride over 650 kilometres from London to Edinburgh in 24 hours. A while back Luke and I designed and built their website, a custom Wordpress with Shopify integrated.

## For your ears

The Heading North soundtrack, an original score composed for the film by James Wilson, and the first release on his new Boxwork Music label.

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