#22 - Design systems with Sketch Libraries

Hi folks,

Here are a few things I thought were worth sharing this week:

  1. “It had to be more legible, visually distinctive and save money”. David Bailey,

Creative Director of UX and Design at the BBC discusses the requirements of launching BBC Reid, the custom type family designed to replace Gill Sans and Helvetica. The typography guidelines on the BBC’s Global Visual Language site are worth a look.

  1. This week I’ve updating the design system we use at AIN. I wrote a quick article about the process: Using Sketch Libraries to build a better design system.
  2. If naming things in CSS grid layout is new to you then I highly recommend reading The New CSS Layout written by Rachel Andrew.
  3. Everything Richard Rutter knows about typesetting numerals on screen. Taken from his book Web Typography.
  4. For your ears: New Energy is the 9th studio album by Kieran Hebden otherwise known as Four Tet.

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