#189 - Good work

Hey everyone,

Welcome to Issue #189!

I’ve just left Hamburg, where I’ve been for the past few days, mainly working and catching up with friends. Now we’re heading north, up near the Danish boarder, for our second wedding of the month.

It’s been a social month. I’ve also had lots of client work on, so I haven’t had much time for side projects, or writing, for that matter. But it’s the summer, and you can’t be too hard on yourself. Especially when you’re celebrating, travelling and enjoying other aspects of life – it’s all important.

Anyway, I hope you’re doing well and making time to enjoy life outside of work.

Here are few links that caught my eye throughout the month of August.

Thought provoking #

“What matters is doing good work. Often, to do good work you need to work hard. And so people naturally conflate the two, thinking that what matters is working hard. But whether you work hard or not isn’t actually what’s important. What’s important is that you do good work.“ Jeremy Keith on Work Ethics.

“Google’s judo move would’ve been to embrace the open web as a social network. Not their  network but our network.“ Jim Nielsen in The OG Social Network: Other People’s Websites.

“Simple is when it remains consistently reliable over time.“ Hardik Pandya in Keep it simple.

“Moving lightly through life is like hiking up a mountain not weighed down by burden, but with a spring in your step. It’s the feeling of joy of facing a brand new day, instead of the heaviness we might feel if we’re dreading things.“ Leo Babauta in Moving Lightly Through the World.

Design and Code #

The Infinite Marquee. Ryan Mulligan creates a responsive looping marquee-style animation using HTML and CSS.

Pawel Grzybek shows how to build A simple carousel with a few lines of CSS.

Going Wild with Hugo Modules. How the team at Nuance Technical Publications used Hugo Modules to solve their consistency and standardization needs.

Jhey Tompkins explores some of the cool things you’ll soon be able to do with :has(): the family selector.

What’s new in Safari. Jen Simmons walks through a ton of the new CSS and HTML features out now or coming soon - including container queries, cascade layers and the .has selector.

Typography #

Designing for Long-Form Articles. Daniel Schwarz shows how to design text for a comfortable reading experience.

Oliver Schöndorfer talks to Jason Pamental about Variable Font Design Possibilities and Performance.

Performance and sustainability #

A carbon aware internet. Fershad Irani shows how the Grid Intensity CLI can be used to identify periods of low carbon intensity, when it’s best to run carbon intensive tasks.

“Hugo remains the undisputed speed champ—no question about that.” Zach Leat runs an experiment to see which static site generator builds markdown the fastest.

Zara Cooper shares a few Core Web Vitals Tools To Boost Your Web Performance Scores.

Making a Website Under 1kB. A fun project from Bradley Taunt.

Can browsers optimize the loading of third-party resources? Addy Osmani looks at how third party scripts impact web performance and explains how the Chrome intends to help solve the problem.

Something to watch #

Hugo getJSON for Dynamic Data from Ado Kukic.

Thank you for reading #

Thanks for tuning in for another issue.

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Seeing you in the next one.


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