#166 - Copying

Hey everyone,

Welcome to issue #166, your weekly roundup of what’s happening in design, code and typography.

Thought provoking #

Copying is the way design works. A very short book about copying from Matthew Ström.

A clean start for the web. Tom MacWright proposes reinventing the web with two distinct platforms – the ‘document web’ and the ‘application web’.

Design and Code #

How to Build HTML Forms Right: Styling. In part 3 of a fantastic series on form design, Austin Gil addresses common form design patterns, some of the gotchas, and how to approach them with CSS.

Flow CSS Utility from Andy Bell. The flow utility provides flow and rhythm between direct sibling elements.

Native CSS Masonry Layout In CSS Grid. There is now a specification for native CSS masonry layout, as part of the Grid Layout spec. In this article, Rachel Andrew explains how it works with the help of a couple of demos you can try out in Firefox Nightly.

What Can Web Designers Do With Their Unused Designs? Suzanne Scacca on repurposing designs for other projects, for other customers, and even within your own business.

Typography #

”The art is beautiful but the description of the art pales in comparison to it.” In Writing about Typography, Robin Rendle shares his issue when reading almost anything about typography.

Extreme Cuts and Authentic Approaches with Extraset. Zoe Loring Murphy talks to Alex Dujet about IKEA style ’flat pack‘ typefaces that uses several recurrent components to build it.

Variable Fonts at Adobe MAX 2020. Monotype Creative Type Director, demonstrates how new variable font technology will enable designers to create with exciting, engaging, and effective typography.

Something to watch #

Webbed Briefs. Brief entertaining videos about the web, its technologies, and how to make the most of them from Heydon Pickering.

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