#16 - Illustration in tech

Hey Folks,

Here are a few things I thought were worth sharing this week:

  1. I dug out an article by Michael Jeter: Illustrating a more human brand part one and part two whilst working on some illustrations for AIN this week. It’s interesting to see how things have evolved at Dropbox over the years. The  ’tech brand illustration’ trend probabally wouldn’t have happened without them.

  2. The Design Thinking Handbook by Invision’s DesignBetter Co is worth bookmarking for when you have a bit of time. Principles of Product Design too. Invision never cease to impress with the quality of the products they put out. Another beautifully illustrated, educational tech product.

  3. If you ever wonder what the hell you’re doing working for yourself (as I often do), check out Paul Jarvis, the one guy who might have worked it out. Here’s Paul talking to Brian Clark (of Copyblogger fame) on his Unemployable podcast about running a company of one.

  4. I watched I Origins last week. Go watch it, it’s great. I also watched Chasing Coral. I’m ashamed to say I hadn’t appreciated how important Coral reefs are until now. Both are on Netflix.

  5. For your ears: Moderat - Eating Hooks (Siriusmo Remix - Solomun Edit) That link will play through Youtubeonrepeat, which I use when I’m trying to focus. This was my track of choice this week.

P.S – I released another hand drawn display font. It’s been as much an exercise in learning type design in Glyphs App as it has been a break from building internet things.

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