#121 - Inefficient Efficiency

Hey everyone,

Welcome to issue #121, your weekly roundup of what’s happening in design, code and typography.

Thought provoking #

“By emphasizing latency we get feedback sooner. Learning and adapting to external changes lead to less waste and therefore greater efficiency.” Kent Beck in Inefficient Efficiency.

Mental models for designers. The tools used at Dropbox for solving problems, making decisions, and communicating ideas.

Design and Code #

“The key to progressive enhancement is distilling the user experience to its lowest possible technical solution and then building on it to improve the user experience.“

In It All Starts with a Humble , Andy Bell demonstrates how to build a Progressive Web App from a minimum viable experience using progressive enhancement and a fantastic analogy.

The State of UX in 2020. Here’s what to expect for UX in 2020.

Accessibility Tips for Web Developers Addy Osmani share tips to help you build sites that are inclusive and accessible to everyone.

Tiny Lesson: Sketching, the timeless design tool. Katie Wishlade shares her tips and tricks for sketching user interfaces.

Who can use. Add a colour combination and find out who can use it based on various vision types. Learn how colour contrast can affect different people with visual impairments.

Typography #

Responsive Type and Zoom. Adrian Roselli highlights important considerations when implementing responsive typography.

Folch designs a typeface embodying the “energetic universe” of acid house. Acid Grotesk features various alternative characters, allowing it to generate a diverse language using only one typeface.

Zooba by &Walsh was designed to be funky and eclectic. It deliberately ignores many standard typographic rules aiming to give the typeface a playful look and differentiate it from other fonts

Something to watch #

An Antidote to Dissatisfaction. Kurzgesagt on gratitude and how practicing it can help you reprogram yourself to be happier. Well worth a watch!

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Once a month I curate a newletter for designers and developers interested in static sites, CSS and web performance. Check out past issues to get an idea.
