Working with Data in Hugo

Updated: May 27, 2021

This articles demonstrates a practical use case of working with data files in Hugo. It will show you where to store your data and how to call your data into a template in order to render it on your site.

Whilst front-end prototyping the design of a system of content search filters, I found myself in a situation where I needed to list the major countries in each inhabited Continent. The countries would take the form of checkboxes in a filter dropdown.

A basic solution might be to list each country manually in an unordered list on the page. But that sound like a time consuming task and unnecessarily repetitive. No one wants a cluttered template with a verbose amount of code.

Ideally I could abstract the data away from the page and leave my template clean and concise. Instead, storing the data in a separate data file which I could call in my template wherever needed.

Enter Data files.

Data files and the data folder #

In Hugo, data files are stored in the data folder. Think of the data folder as a mini database where you can keep lists of data to use in your pages.

Inside the data folder you can organise files into any number of sub-folders.

Hugo accepts JSON, YAML and TOML files, just like the front matter in your posts and pages.

Data structure #

In my data folder I have a sub-folder called countries and inside that folder I have a another folder called continent where I keep 5 YAML files: africaa.yaml, asia.yaml, europe.yaml, northamerica.yaml and southamerica.yaml.

For all the geography nerds out there; I combined Australia with Asia as it didn’t make sense to have a data file containing one country.

└── countries
    └── continent
        ├── africa.yaml
        ├── asia.yaml
        ├── europe.yaml
        └── northamerica.yaml
      	└── southamerica.yaml

I called the top level sub-folder countries so the data type was clearly organised and easy to understand.

Inside the data file #

Inside each continent YAML file, I listed the countries in that continent under country, using an object name where the value is the country name.

  - name: Algeria
  - name: Angola
  - name: Cameroon
  - name: Comoros
  - name: Gambia
  - name: Ghana
  - name: Ivory Coast
  - name: Kenya
  - name: Lesotho
  - name: Madagascar
  - name: Malawi
  - name: Mauritius
  - name: Morocco
  - name: Nigeria
  - name: Namibia
  - name: Senegal
  - name: Sierra Leone
  - name: South Africa
  - name: Swaziland
  - name: Tanzania
  - name: Tunisia
  - name: Uganda
  - name: Zambia
  - name: Zimbabwe

Using the data #

By using the range function you can loop through the content, accessing the data folder with .Site.Data followed by the name of the file and the nested data structure.

To retrieve data from my africa.yaml data file I used the following code:

{{ range }}
    <input class="material-icons" type="checkbox" />
    <label>{{ .name }}</label>
{{ end }}

Where {{ .name }} prints out the name of the country.

To see this in action check out this prototype and hit the filter button above the search called country.

If you are applying this to your own data be sure to update with your specific data structure.

Conclusion #

Data files in Hugo make working with large amounts of data a whole lot less cumbersome. Abstracting repetitive code away from templates keeps file clean and lightweight and managing content a somewhat easier task.

For more on data in Hugo head to the docs, where you can learn about “data-driven content” data features, which lets you load any JSON or CSV file from nearly any resource.

Further reading #

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